
Program Overview

The MFI goes virtual in 2020. Due to the uncertain situation surrounding the Coronavirus and restrictions and travel and meetings, the conference will be fully virtual. The program consists of an asynchronous part (video sessions) and a synchronous part (live Q&A sessions). The participants can watch videos of talks that match their interests at whatever time fits them best. At the conference times, (see below), the participants join the live sessions to listen to exciting plenary talks and start discussions with the authors of papers that are to their interest in the Q&A sessions.
Program at a Glance
Time Zones Around the World

The conference takes place 02:00 pm (14:00) to 05:00 pm (17:00) UTC. This is equivalent to
07:00 am – 10:00 am Pacific Time (US West Coast)
10:00 am – 01:00 pm Eastern Time (US East Coast)
03:00 pm – 06:00 pm British Summer Time
04:00 pm – 07:00 pm Central European Time
05:00 pm – 08:00 pm Eastern European Time
10:00 pm – 01:00 am China Standard Time & Australian Western Time
11:00 pm – 02:00 am Korean and Japanese Time
11:30 pm – 02:30 am Australian Central Standard Time

Video Sessions

The paper sessions will be provided as pre-recorded videos. Guidelines for the preparation of the videos can be found under the following link:

Video Guidelines

Live Sessions

On each conference day, we will organize live session where attendees can discuss questions and comments about the papers and tutorials. Preliminary guidelines are provided under the following link:

Preliminary Q&A Guidelines

Monday, September 14

Tutorial and workshop sessions provide participants with detailed overviews as well as in-depths insights to selected topics in the field of multisensor fusion and integration. They take place in three hour slots on Monday.
Tutorials present the state of the art about a frontier topic, enabling attendees to fully appreciate the current issues, main schools of thought and possible application areas. They can include hands-on laboratory sessions giving attendees instruction about the foundations in specific areas.
Workshops include a lead presentation introducing the audience to a specific subject and comprise up to five presentations that elaborate on diverse aspects of the session’s subject in detail.
The workshop and tutorial program can be found here.

Tuesday, September 15

The second conference starts with a plenary talk and a Q&A session. The day is closed with the awards ceremony to honor the authors of the best papers and the author of the best reviews.

Wednesday, September 16

The third conference day continues with a plenary talk, followed by regular and special sessions.


Tu-A1 – Multisensor Data Fusion and Calibration

An Application of IMM Based Sensor Fusion Algorithm in Train Positioning System

  • Kara, Süleyman Fatih (Aselsan Inc.)
  • Basaran, Burak (Aselsan Inc.)

With their serious impact on the safe and economic operation of railway domains, train positioning systems play a crucial part in railway signalling. In this paper, we present a solution for such a train positioning system by making use of a tachometer, a Doppler radar and a magnetic positioning sensor (a.k.a tag). An IMM (Interacting Multiple Model) filter based sensor fusion algorithm has been used to calculate the velocity and position of the train using the above sensors. The algorithm has been developed with SCADE (Safety Critical Application Development Environment) which is a tool frequently used for development in safety-critical systems because it drastically simplifies and accelerates the certification process required of EN 50128.


Unsupervised Optimization Approach to in Situ Calibration of Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction Tools

  • Maric, Bruno (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp)
  • Polic, Marsela (University of Zagreb)
  • Tabak, Tomislav (University of Zagreb)
  • Orsag, Matko (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp)

In this work we are proposing an intuitive tool based on motion capture system for programming by demonstration tasks in robot manipulation. For a robot manipulator set in a working environment equipped with any external measurement system, we propose an online calibration method based on unsupervised learning and simplex optimization. Without loos of generality the Nelder-Mead simplex method is used to calibrate the rigid transforms of the robot tools and environment based on motion capture system recordings. Fast optimization procedure is enabled through dataset subsampling using iterative clustering and outlier detection procedure. The online calibration enables customization and execution of programming by demonstration tasks in real time.


Online 3D Frontier-Based UGV and UAV Exploration Using Direct Point Cloud Visibility

  • Williams, Jason (CSIRO)
  • Jiang, Shu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • O’Brien, Matthew (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Wagner, Glenn (Emesent)
  • Hernandez, Emili (Emesent)
  • Cox, Mark (CSIRO)
  • Pitt, Alex (CSIRO)
  • Arkin, Ronald (Georgia Tech)
  • Hudson, Nicolas (X, The Moonshot Factory)

While robots have long been proposed as a tool to reduce human personnel’s exposure to danger in subterranean environments, these environments also present significant challenges to the development of these robots. Fundamental to this challenge is the problem of autonomous exploration. Frontier-based methods have been a powerful and successful approach to exploration, but complex 3D environments remain a challenge when online employment is required. This paper presents a new approach that addresses the complexity of operating in 3D by directly modelling the boundary between observed free and unobserved space (the frontier), rather than utilising dense 3D volumetric representations. By avoiding a representation involving a single map, it also achieves scalability to problems where Simultaneous Localisation and Matching (SLAM) loop closures are essential. The approach enabled a team of seven ground and air robots to autonomously explore the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit, jointly traversing over 8 km in a complex and communication denied environment.


Certifiably Optimal Monocular Hand-Eye Calibration
  • Maric, Wise, Emmett (University of Toronto)
  • Giamou, Matthew (University of Toronto)
  • Khoubyarian, Soroush (University of Toronto)
  • Grover, Abhinav (University of Toronto)
  • Kelly, Jonathan (University of Toronto)

Correct fusion of data from two sensors requires an accurate estimate of their relative pose, which can be determined through the process of extrinsic calibration. When the sensors are capable of producing their own egomotion estimates (i.e., measurements of their trajectories through an environment), the `hand-eye’ formulation of extrinsic calibration can be employed. In this paper, we extend our recent work on a convex optimization approach for hand-eye calibration to the case where one of the sensors cannot observe the scale of its translational motion (e.g., a monocular camera observing an unmapped environment). We prove that our technique is able to provide a certifiably globally optimal solution to both the known- and unknown-scale variants of hand-eye calibration, provided that the measurement noise is bounded. Herein, we focus on the theoretical aspects of the problem, show the tightness and stability of our convex relaxation, and demonstrate the optimality and speed of our algorithm through experiments with synthetic data.

Robust Positioning Based on Opportunistic Radio Sources and Doppler

  • Lindgren, David (Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI)
  • Nordzell, Andreas (Springbreeze AB)

Doppler shift measurements on opportunistic radio sources can be an alternative to GNSS in disturbed environments. Mobile measurements on a GSM base station indicate that the uncertainty is sufficiently low for vehicle positioning, provided that at least two sources are within range and that measurements are fused with an odometer and a rate gyro. A key idea is to fuse the relatively uncertain Doppler measurements with accurate measurements of the vehicle speed. The positioning performance is analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations. A position RMSE in the interval 15-44m can be expected in a suburban environment with limited occlusion.


Observability Driven Multi-Modal Line-Scan Camera Calibration

  • Mehami, Jasprabhjit (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Vidal-Calleja, Teresa A. (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Alempijevic, Alen (University of Technology Sydney)

Multi-modal sensors such as hyperspectral line-scan and frame cameras can be incorporated into a single camera system, enabling individual sensor limitations to be compensated. Calibration of such systems is crucial to ensure data from one modality can be related to the other. The best known approach is to capture multiple measurements of a known planar pattern, which are then used to optimize calibration parameters through non-linear least squares. The confidence in the optimized parameters is dependent on the measurements, which are contaminated by noise due to sensor hardware. Understanding how this noise transfers through the calibration is essential, especially when dealing with line-scan cameras that rely on measurements to extract feature points. This paper adopts a maximum likelihood estimation method for propagating measurement noise through the calibration, such that the optimized parameters are associated with an estimate of uncertainty. The uncertainty enables development of an active calibration algorithm, which uses observability to selectively choose images that improve parameter estimation. The algorithm is tested in both simulation and hardware, then compared to a naive approach that uses all images to calibrate. The simulation results for the algorithm show a drop of 26.4% in the total normalized error and 46.8% in the covariance trace. Results from the hardware experiments also show a decrease in the covariance trace, demonstrating the importance of selecting good measurements for parameter estimation.


Tu-A1 – Multisensor Data Fusion and Calibration

An Application of IMM Based Sensor Fusion Algorithm in Train Positioning System

  • Kara, Süleyman Fatih (Aselsan Inc.)
  • Basaran, Burak (Aselsan Inc.)

With their serious impact on the safe and economic operation of railway domains, train positioning systems play a crucial part in railway signalling. In this paper, we present a solution for such a train positioning system by making use of a tachometer, a Doppler radar and a magnetic positioning sensor (a.k.a tag). An IMM (Interacting Multiple Model) filter based sensor fusion algorithm has been used to calculate the velocity and position of the train using the above sensors. The algorithm has been developed with SCADE (Safety Critical Application Development Environment) which is a tool frequently used for development in safety-critical systems because it drastically simplifies and accelerates the certification process required of EN 50128.


Unsupervised Optimization Approach to in Situ Calibration of Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction Tools

  • Maric, Bruno (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp)
  • Polic, Marsela (University of Zagreb)
  • Tabak, Tomislav (University of Zagreb)
  • Orsag, Matko (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp)

In this work we are proposing an intuitive tool based on motion capture system for programming by demonstration tasks in robot manipulation. For a robot manipulator set in a working environment equipped with any external measurement system, we propose an online calibration method based on unsupervised learning and simplex optimization. Without loos of generality the Nelder-Mead simplex method is used to calibrate the rigid transforms of the robot tools and environment based on motion capture system recordings. Fast optimization procedure is enabled through dataset subsampling using iterative clustering and outlier detection procedure. The online calibration enables customization and execution of programming by demonstration tasks in real time.

Online 3D Frontier-Based UGV and UAV Exploration Using Direct Point Cloud Visibility

  • Williams, Jason (CSIRO)
  • Jiang, Shu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • O’Brien, Matthew (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Wagner, Glenn (Emesent)
  • Hernandez, Emili (Emesent)
  • Cox, Mark (CSIRO)
  • Pitt, Alex (CSIRO)
  • Arkin, Ronald (Georgia Tech)
  • Hudson, Nicolas (X, The Moonshot Factory)

While robots have long been proposed as a tool to reduce human personnel’s exposure to danger in subterranean environments, these environments also present significant challenges to the development of these robots. Fundamental to this challenge is the problem of autonomous exploration. Frontier-based methods have been a powerful and successful approach to exploration, but complex 3D environments remain a challenge when online employment is required. This paper presents a new approach that addresses the complexity of operating in 3D by directly modelling the boundary between observed free and unobserved space (the frontier), rather than utilising dense 3D volumetric representations. By avoiding a representation involving a single map, it also achieves scalability to problems where Simultaneous Localisation and Matching (SLAM) loop closures are essential. The approach enabled a team of seven ground and air robots to autonomously explore the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit, jointly traversing over 8 km in a complex and communication denied environment.

Certifiably Optimal Monocular Hand-Eye Calibration
  • Maric, Wise, Emmett (University of Toronto)
  • Giamou, Matthew (University of Toronto)
  • Khoubyarian, Soroush (University of Toronto)
  • Grover, Abhinav (University of Toronto)
  • Kelly, Jonathan (University of Toronto)

Correct fusion of data from two sensors requires an accurate estimate of their relative pose, which can be determined through the process of extrinsic calibration. When the sensors are capable of producing their own egomotion estimates (i.e., measurements of their trajectories through an environment), the `hand-eye’ formulation of extrinsic calibration can be employed. In this paper, we extend our recent work on a convex optimization approach for hand-eye calibration to the case where one of the sensors cannot observe the scale of its translational motion (e.g., a monocular camera observing an unmapped environment). We prove that our technique is able to provide a certifiably globally optimal solution to both the known- and unknown-scale variants of hand-eye calibration, provided that the measurement noise is bounded. Herein, we focus on the theoretical aspects of the problem, show the tightness and stability of our convex relaxation, and demonstrate the optimality and speed of our algorithm through experiments with synthetic data.

Robust Positioning Based on Opportunistic Radio Sources and Doppler

  • Lindgren, David (Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI)
  • Nordzell, Andreas (Springbreeze AB)

Doppler shift measurements on opportunistic radio sources can be an alternative to GNSS in disturbed environments. Mobile measurements on a GSM base station indicate that the uncertainty is sufficiently low for vehicle positioning, provided that at least two sources are within range and that measurements are fused with an odometer and a rate gyro. A key idea is to fuse the relatively uncertain Doppler measurements with accurate measurements of the vehicle speed. The positioning performance is analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations. A position RMSE in the interval 15-44m can be expected in a suburban environment with limited occlusion.

Observability Driven Multi-Modal Line-Scan Camera Calibration

  • Mehami, Jasprabhjit (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Vidal-Calleja, Teresa A. (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Alempijevic, Alen (University of Technology Sydney)

Multi-modal sensors such as hyperspectral line-scan and frame cameras can be incorporated into a single camera system, enabling individual sensor limitations to be compensated. Calibration of such systems is crucial to ensure data from one modality can be related to the other. The best known approach is to capture multiple measurements of a known planar pattern, which are then used to optimize calibration parameters through non-linear least squares. The confidence in the optimized parameters is dependent on the measurements, which are contaminated by noise due to sensor hardware. Understanding how this noise transfers through the calibration is essential, especially when dealing with line-scan cameras that rely on measurements to extract feature points. This paper adopts a maximum likelihood estimation method for propagating measurement noise through the calibration, such that the optimized parameters are associated with an estimate of uncertainty. The uncertainty enables development of an active calibration algorithm, which uses observability to selectively choose images that improve parameter estimation. The algorithm is tested in both simulation and hardware, then compared to a naive approach that uses all images to calibrate. The simulation results for the algorithm show a drop of 26.4% in the total normalized error and 46.8% in the covariance trace. Results from the hardware experiments also show a decrease in the covariance trace, demonstrating the importance of selecting good measurements for parameter estimation.
